Casual Tuesday should totally be a thing! Are we right or ARE WE RIGHT?!?! It would be a reward for making it through Monday. Instead, here we are casually making #TechTuesday a thing
EMT Zack Cornett is 100% behind causal Tuesday. But since that apparently isn’t a thing yet, he put on his uniform and wanted to introduce himself.
Hey everyone! My name is Zack Cornett. I’ve been in EMS for about four years now. I’ve worked in both hospital and pre-hospital settings. My dream is to work with Beluga Whales, but I can’t swim well enough…..guess I’ll stay on land. I’m also a part-time 911 telecommunicator. When not at work, I enjoy spending time at home with my fiance, Laramie, and our two dogs, Tony the Tiger and Pearl. I’m excited to be here in Georgetown and advance my career!
1) Where are you originally from?
I’m originally from London, KY. I moved to the big city of Lexington about three years ago.
2) What are your hobbies, interests, etc?
I get bored easily, so I like to try everything. I always want to learn something new. Taking care of our two dogs typically take up all of my extra time, but I thoroughly enjoy grabbing a cup of coffee and loading up the dogs to go for a ride while looking at houses. I should have been a real estate agent just so I can look inside houses, but healthcare was definitely what I was meant for. I also LOVE getting new certifications just so I can have them. Like I said……I get bored.
3) How did you become interested/get started in EMS?
Funny enough, I’ve always wanted to be in EMS but wasn’t sure I wanted to work in my hometown. I originally went to college so I could become a nurse, but I heard about an EMT class EKU was offering. I signed up for the class and realized it was something I could actually do. Here I am, 4 years later, and still love coming to work. Plus…..Nightwatch. I mean, New Orleans and EMS. The matchmaker definitely got that one right!
4) What brought you to Georgetown?
Ironically, I visited Georgetown maybe three or four times before I started working in this county. I originally came to Georgetown as a 911 dispatcher. Shout out to 911!!!! I missed being in the middle of what’s happening and being engulfed in EMS. I dispatched for GSCEMS for a few months and noticed they were hiring. The rest is history! I still secretly think they regret hiring me but no one will own up to it! Plus, my favorite color is orange. What a perfect match!
5) What is your position at GSCEMS?
I’m an EMT on Third Platoon! I’m also a BLS/CPR instructor, as well as a Stop The Bleed Instructor. (Remember when I said I got bored and wanted certifications? Exhibit A)
6) Where did you go to EMT school?
I went through EKU’s EMT class and finished the prerequisites for Paramedic school.
7) What is your favorite thing about EMS/your job?
So many things. So, so many things. I have to say my absolute favorite thing about my job would be the connections I have made. There is honestly no other job in the world that would allow me to make connections I have. I have met and connected with some of the most amazing people in the world. I have friends from all around the world and have learned from some of the best instructors around! GSCEMS absolutely encourages me to make connections, which makes me love my job that much more.
8) What is one thing currently that you would change about EMS as a whole?
I love this field, absolutely love the field! The one thing I would change is the public perception of EMS. We are automatically grouped with the Fire Department, but in our county we operate as two respective agencies. EMS agencies are not the best at publicizing what we do. Once you involve patient privacy and HIPAA, there isn’t a lot that we can do to publicize our day-to-day. Public Information is a crucial part of any agency, but extremely important for emergency responders. People call us on their worst day, so they truly never get to see us on a normal day. This is something I brought up to our administrative team and they loved the point of view. GSCEMS strives to have a strong bond with the community and provide not only public information, but public education as well!
9) What is one place in Scott County that you would take a visitor?
Evan’s Orchard in the fall!! HELLO APPLE CIDER SLUSHIES!!!!! Hear me out, I was a little sketchy about it at first. Tried my first one…..OH MY GOODNESS. I now need a slushy at least once a week. Plus who doesn’t love an apple orchard and pumpkin patch in the fall!