#MedicMonday with Jon Oesterman

Mondays with sunshine just don’t feel the same as other Mondays. That could be the coffee talking though! Either way, it’s Monday which means shake off the weekend vibe and put on your party shirt…..we mean your business shirt!

Paramedic Jon Oesterman stopped by to show off his party shirt, but he spilled coffee on it. So he decided to put on his business shirt and introduce himself!

“Jon is a lost buckeye!” I’ve been involved in pre-hospital healthcare in some shape or form since 2002. I currently work as the Education Coordinator here at GSCEMS, which, in my opinion, is the coolest position here. I have the pleasure to help our crews stay sharp in the care we can provide, I also get to help with other responders in Scott county whether it’s providing CPR training, Stop the Bleed courses, or device-specific training.

1) Where are you originally from?

I grew up in a one stoplight town called South Amherst, Ohio. Before moving to Kentucky I lived in Oberlin, Ohio.

2) What are your hobbies, interests, etc?

I love reading! I also enjoy photography, getting out in nature and capturing the beauty here. I love (miss) going to concerts and sharing an experience with the crowd there. I also love the challenge that is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

3) How did you become interested/get started in EMS?

I had an interesting path. As a child I grew up on a road that had several severe car accidents on it. I remember once while I was six that the local air medical team was called for one of the bad accidents nearby. The helicopter landed next door to my house and I was captivated. Fast forward some years, I joined the volunteer fire department in my home town and they sent me to EMT school. I started working in EMS in an industrial city nearby and I was hooked.

4) What brought you to Georgetown?

I actually moved to Kentucky from Ohio to work as a Firefighter-Paramedic at a different agency. While I worked there full time I heard stories about GSCEMS and how forward thinking the service was. I applied and was hired here as a part-time paramedic in 2016.

5) What is your position at GSCEMS?

My shirt says Education Coordinator. But, I’m also a Paramedic.

6) Where did you go to Paramedic School?

I attended the Lifecare EMS Academy in Elyria, Ohio. They actually taught my EMT class, then several years later I went back for Paramedic school.

7) What is your favorite thing about EMS/Your job?

As an educator, I love seeing the “Lightbulb” moments where a person goes from no clue, to getting it. As a Paramedic, the favorite thing about my job is when my partner and I are firing on all cylinders and we’re in that flow state, just effortlessly providing care to our patient.

8) What is one thing currently that you would change about EMS as a whole?

Great question, EMS is still a young profession in the house of medicine. I think there are several things holding us back. I think we need to shed the image of first responders. We’re healthcare workers that drive trucks with lights and sirens. We provide healthcare to those in need, where they are. EMTs and Paramedics have a very unique character in our ingenuity, ability to prioritize, and execute. We need to embrace continuing education as this past year has definitely demonstrated how quickly medicine can change and what we thought would work ends up being incorrect. My last thought, EMS needs to embody having a growth mindset to remain successful. Every patient is a new challenge and we need to see each experience as an opportunity to grow and further develop.

9) What is one place in Scott County that you would take a visitor?

One place? Sheesh that’s difficult to nail down. I don’t think we could go wrong with a visit to Far Out Espresso to sit outside and sip some coffee (caffeine is yet another love of mine).

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