#TechTuesday with Jonathan Hartman

Welcome back to another #TechTuesday this week let’s meet Jonathan Hartman.

1)Where are you originally from?

Born in Virginia, raised in Harrodsburg, KY until I was 13, moved to Wichita Falls, TX. At 17 I joined the army and travelled all over: New Mexico, California, Maryland, El Paso, Iraq, Kuwait, Germany.

2) What are your hobbies, interests, etc?

Oh boy… I love carpentry, cooking, chess, reading, painting, welding, theatre, rugby, basketball, running, hiking, mountain climbing, rock wall climbing, kayaking, fishing, cast-net fishing, small-game hunting, video games, studying history, forgetting things, and something else… can’t remember what else… Oh! Cycling. 

3) How did you become interested/started in EMS?

I was a youth minister in Jacksboro, TX when I first joined the Jacksboro volunteer fire department. I was also the father to a 3-year-old boy named Jesse. He gave me a little toy fire engine and told me I was the best firefighter ever. I loved firefighting as a volunteer so much I applied to be a professional in my hometown of Wichita Falls. I was 1 of 12 that they picked out of a pool of 500 candidates. My chief said it was because I busted out that little toy fire engine in my interview and told that story.

4) What brought you to Georgetown?

I have family that lives in Lexington that I wanted to be closer to. And I just love Kentucky. The food, the weather, the trees, the landscape, the horses, etc.

5) What is your position at GSCEMS?

I’m an Advanced EMT. Which is just a weird scope of practice where I can do a few more things outside the realm of an EMT-basic, but without all the liability that comes with being a paramedic. Which is perfect for me.

6) What is your favorite thing about EMS/your job?

Helping people.

7) What is one thing currently that you would change about EMS as a whole?

As a whole: I dunno. I was told pay was not an acceptable answer. I don’t have a good answer for this one. Patience, maybe? For our department: Orange and Blue is not a great combination….

8) What is one place in Scott County that you would take a visitor?

The Weisenberg Mill is pretty neat, I think.

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