#MedicMonday with Joe Mata

We know, we know……it’s Monday *insert crying emoji here* However, we all have to get that extra shot of espresso and own the day!

Shift Supervisor and Paramedic Joe Mata wanted to drop in and say “howdy everyone”

My name is Joseph Mata and I have been married to my wife Paula for going on 15 years now.  We have a son together, two bonus daughters and two dogs.  We live in the best community in Scott County, the Canewood Subdivision.

1. Where are you originally from?

I am originally from Wisconsin.

2. What are your hobbies, interests, etc?

My hobbies include golfing, being outdoors, spending time with my family.

3. How did you become interested/get started in EMS?

How I got into this field.  As most people, we start in restaurants, which is the field I was planning on staying in, I worked under an executive chef for 10 years and one day I came home and decided that I wanted to do something fulfilling, meaningful and that had purpose.  I saw that Lexington Fire was hiring, I went to an interview and asked what would make it easier to get into the service.  They said to go get your EMT license.  I went to a local school and attained that and went back, they said that I should now go and get some experience.  I worked in Jessamine County for about a year and at that point I was hooked and decided to stay in this field.

4. What brought you to Georgetown?

After I had left Lexington we moved to Taylorsville, KY and I worked in Louisville at a private service while I completed my training for my paramedic license with U of L and the university hospital.  Once that was completed, I searched around the area of a new home and service to work for, we had family already here in Georgetown and I had always heard so many great things about this service, so here we are.

5.  What is your position at GSCEMS?

My position with this service in Operations Supervisor for Second (To None) Platoon.

6. Where did you go to Paramedic/EMT school?

It was originally through the University of Louisville, but now Jefferson Community College has since taken over the program

7.  What is your favorite thing about EMS/your job?

My favorite part about this job?  Being able to be there for someone when they need it the most and my interaction with the community.

8. What is one thing currently that you would change about EMS as a whole? 

The perception. At some point we changed from clinicians to “ambulance drivers.”  Most people only see us for brief periods, we are there, we get the patient and initiate a quick transport to definitive care.  At large scale scenes, such as car wrecks, everyone sees the police and fire department, but we are never on scene for long. There also seems to be some mystery as to what, as clinicians, we are actually capable of doing and what care we can provide.

9. What is one place in Scott County that you would take a visitor?

The place I would take someone who was a visitor would be Great Crossings Baptist Church.  I love the history of this county.  There is a small cemetery located in the back that has a few headstones that date back to as far as, I believe, 1772!  That’s fascinating to me.

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