Welcome back! This week on #MedicMonday, let’s meet Leland Robinson!
Leland Robinson, voted best personality class of ’09!. Born in Texas, hook’em horns, but grew up in Frankfort, KY. I have two brothers and one sister. I’m the youngest of my siblings by a minute which makes me a fraternal twin. Graduated from EKU in 2014 with a BS in EMS administration and somehow ended up with an AA from BCTC. I have been employed by GSCEMS as a paramedic since 2017 and love it!
Where are you originally from?
Originally from Abilene, Texas. I was born on Dyess Air Force Base. Grew up in Frankfort, KY. My mother is originally from Panama and my father is from Ohio.
What are your hobbies, interests, etc?
Hobbies are the usual hiking, camping, boxing, snowboarding, sketching, watching good or crappy movies, pretending to be craft beer connoisseur, avid music listener, running, jeep tinkering, traveling, hanging with my doggo Manchee boy, hanging out with my adventurous and beautiful wife, and doing anything that involves a body of water you can submerge yourself in!
How did you become interested/get started in EMS?
I could never see myself working a 9-5 desk job. I became interested in Fire originally and became a paramedic so I would be a more ideal candidate for a dual Fire/EMS service. EMS became more of a thrill to me than the fire aspect so I pursued EMS instead.
What brought you to Georgetown?
I remember doing ride time orientation at Georgetown when I was an EKU paramedic student. I was super intimidated at first. They were engrossed with education and training. They had some of the greatest medics there and overall just a prestigious service. I remember thinking to myself this place really has it together and if I ever figure this medic thing out, I’d want to be here.
What is your position at GSCEMS?
What is your favorite thing about EMS/your job?
Hard question to answer, I’ve had other jobs but never felt a sense of purpose or need until I stumbled into pre-hospital care.
What is one thing currently that you would change about EMS as a whole?
EMS is not portrayed as highly as the other Emergency Services and are underappreciated but we serve the community daily. I just wish the community understood what we do as a whole and the sacrifices we all personally make to help others.
What is one place in Scott County that you would take a visitor? Galvin’s, their jalapeños poppers are most excellent!