#TechTuesday with Jacob Underwood

We’re back again for another Tech Tuesday. This week we are introducing EMT Jacob Underwood. Jacob started his career with our service in January and has continued to grow tremendously over the last few months!

Tell us about yourself:

My name is Jacob Underwood and I have been working at GSCEMS as a new EMT. This is my first experience as a first responder and I’ve been thrilled to be a part of such a great group of providers in the community where I grew up.

1) Where are you originally from?

Georgetown, Kentucky

2) What are your hobbies, interests, etc.

I enjoy hiking and camping out in Red River Gorge.

3) How did you become interested/get started in EMS?

I originally got interested in EMS through friends and went through EMT school with them.

4) What brought you to Georgetown?

 Born and raised in Georgetown!

5) What is your position at GSCEMS?

I work as a nationally registered EMT.

6) Where did you go to Paramedic/EMT School?

I went to EMT class through BCTC of Leestown.

7) What is your favorite thing about EMS/your job?

I like the idea that every patient is different and there are always different problems you can be there to help solve. The idea that a new challenge can be found on every shift is thrilling and inspires me to become the best provider I can be.

8) What is one thing you would change about EMS as a whole?

I think EMS could have greater community outreach (which I have seen developing much better in recent times).

9) What is one place you would take a visitor to in Scott County?

The restaurants on Main Street are a great place to see!

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