Dear Tuesday,
Can you just be Friday already?!
But……..but……..BUT, then we would miss #TechTuesday So…….we guess Tuesday can stay.
EMT Morgan Walli wanted to swing by to say “how’s it going?

1) Where are you originally from?
Longmont, Colorado. Just outside of Boulder.
2) What are your hobbies, interests, etc?
I love the outdoors and spend many of my days off hiking with my German Shepherd and my cat (yes, my cat goes on hikes). I also enjoy working on random projects around the house and on my car.
3) How did you become interested/get started in EMS?
I have always been interested in medicine and, halfway through my engineering degree, realized engineering wasn’t what I wanted to pursue so I got my EMT, started working part-time in EMS as I finished school, and am now working full-time getting experience with emergency medicine with plans to pursue my MD.
4) What brought you to Georgetown?
I graduated from UK in Spring of 2020 and was looking for a full-time EMS position to gain field experience during my 2 year break from school before I plan to pursue my MD. GSCEMS offered a higher run volume than my part-time EMS job with a good variety of call types and a host of educational opportunities.
5) What is your position at GSCEMS?
I am an EMT.
6) Where did you go to/EMT school?
I attended EMTP-KY in Lexington for my EMT class.
7) What is your favorite thing about EMS/your job?
I like that every day is different.
8) What is one thing currently that you would change about EMS as a whole?
I wish there was more support available to our regular patients outside of what we can do on emergency runs so that they would have better, 24/7 care that EMS is unable to provide.
9) What is one place in Scott County that you would take a visitor?
I am still learning Scott County myself, so if anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear them!